
Published Works, Peer-Reviewed:

Journal of Healthcare Management logo

Fainstad, T. Syed, A., Thibodeau P.S., Vinaithirthan, V., Jones, C.D. Mann, A. Long Term Impact of an Online Physician Group-Coaching Program to Improve Burnout and Self-compassion in Trainees. Accepted at the Journal of Healthcare Management, June 2024.

Journal of Women's Health logo

Fainstad T, Mann A, Steinberg L, Woodward MA, Shah AN. Should I stay, or should I go? Emotional exhaustion’s association with intent to leave in a national sample of female physician trainees. J Womens Health (Larchmt). September 2024. doi:10.1089/jwh.2024.0470

AMA logo

Fainstad, T MD, Orlov, N MD, MPH, Virant-Young DL P, Volkova Feddeck M. Why coaching? The meaning and purpose of coaching in graduate medical education. In: Maya M. Hammoud, MD, MBA, Abigail Ford Winkel, MD, MHPE, Margaret Wolff, MD, MHPE, John S. Andrews, ed. Coaching in Graduate Medical Education. Vol 2. American Medical Association; 2024:1-8.

Journal of Surgical Research logo

Shah AN, Vinaithirthan, V, Syed, AS, Thurman, KT, Mann A, Fainstad, T. National Comparison of Burnout for a Cohort of Surgical and Non-Surgical Female Trainees. J Surg Res. 2024 Apr; 296:404-410. doi: 10.1016/j.jss.2024.01.010

JAMA logo

Mann A, Shah AN, Thibodeau PS, Thurman, KT, Syed, A, Woodward, MA, Dunbar, K, Jones, CJ, Dyrbye L, Fainstad, T. Online Well-Being Group Coaching Program for Women Physician Trainees: A Randomized Clinical Trial. JAMA Netw Open. Oct 2023;6(10):e2335541.

JAMA logo

Fainstad T**, Mann AM**, Suresh K, Shah P, Dieujuste N, Thurmon K, Jones CD. Effect of a Novel Online Physician Group-Coaching Program to Reduce Burnout in Trainees: A Randomized Controlled Trial. JAMA Netw Open. May 2022.

Accepted Manuscripts, In Press:

Dieujuste N; Mann AM; Dunbar K; Thibodeau PS; Fainstad T; Dorsey Holliman, B. “Understanding Challenges Faced by Female Graduate Medical Education Trainees: A Qualitative Content Analysis of Physician Coaching Requests” HCA Healthcare Journal of Medicine. 2025


The Journey to Better podcast episode 71

Fainstad, T. (2024, Aug) Dr. Tyra Fainstad – Better Together Physician Coaching. Interview by Lombardi, B. In The Journey to Better.

Business of Surgery Series podcast

Mann, A. Fainstad, T. (2024, July) Evidence that Coaching Decreases Burnout and Imposter Syndrome with Drs. Tyra Fainstad and Adrienne Mann. Interview by Vertrees, A. In BOSS: Business of Surgery Series.

ACGME Podcast

Mann, A. Fainstad, T. (2024, May). Better Together: Drs. Tyra Fainstad and Adrienne Mann on Physician Coaching and Transition Challenges. Interviewed by Slavin, S. In ACGME Aware.

AMA Steps Forward Podcast

Fainstad, T. Mann, A. (2024, Jan) “Reduce Burnout, Improve Self-Compassion With Group Coaching for Even the Busiest Physician” Interview by Jill Jin. In STEPS Forward. American Medical Association.

The Well Being Connector Podcast

Fainstad, T. (2023, Apr). Tyra Fainstad, MD. Interviewed by Reid, R. In Coalition for Physician Wellbeing: The Well-being Connector.

Your Favorite You Podcast

Mann, A. Fainstad, T. (2024, Mar) Proof! Coaching Works with Drs. Tyra Fainstad and Adrienne Mann. Interviewed by Parsons, M. In Your Favorite You.

Doctors Living Deliberately Podcast

Fainstad, T, Mann, A (2023, Oct). The Evidence Behind Physician Coaching with Drs. Tyra Fainstad and Adrienne Mann. Interview by Hersh, M., Gupta DePalma, A, In Doctors Living Deliberately.

Fainstad, T, Mann, A. (2023, Oct). Scientific Proof that Coaching Works Published in JAMA: A Conversation with Dr. Tyra Fainstad and Dr. Adrienne Mann. Interview by Lowenthiel, K. In UnF*ck Your Brain. New York, New York.

Review of Systems Podcast

Fainstad, T, Mann, A. (2023, Sept). Beating Burnout w/ Dr. Tyra Fainstad & Dr. Adrienne Mann. Interview by Bast, J, Essleman L. In Review of Systems. University of Colorado.

Faculty Factory Podcast

Fainstad, T. (2023, June) “Overcoming Burnout and the Power of Coaching with Tyra Fainstad, MD” Interview by Kimberly A. Skarupski, June 1, 2023. Faculty Factory. Johns Hopkins University.

Thriving As A Physician Podcast

Mann, A. Fainstad, T. (2022, Oct 3) “Effective Physician Burnout Interventions” Interview by Key, S. In Thriving as a Physician: How to Lose Weight and Love your Life.

Pediatric Meltdown Podcast

Mann, A. Fainstad, T. (2022, Sept 19). “Physician Wellness Coaching: Proven Benefit!” Interview by Gaggino, L. In Pediatric Meltdown Podcast.

Habits on Purpose Podcast

Mann, A. Fainstad, T, (2022, Aug 15). The Science Behind Group Coaching with Dr. Tyra Fainstad and Dr. Adrienne Mann. Interview by Angevine, K. (No. 31). In Habits on Purpose.

Re-Mind Yourself Podcast

Mann, A. Fainstad, T, (2022, Jul ). Coaching Works. Interview by Chestovitch, M. (No. 71). In Re-Mind Yourself. RedCircle.

CLIMEcasts Podcast

Fainstad, T McClintock A (2021, Sept) “The Impact of Imposter Phenomenon”. Interview by Kate Mulligan. CLIMEcast. University of Washington.

Interviews and Other Media:

Program Helps Female Physicians Avoid Burnout” Dermatology Times. Richard Payerchin, May 11, 2022.

Combating Physician Burnout With Coaching” CU Anschutz Today Interview with Kiley Kudrna on May 16, 2022.

Coaching Program to Reduce Burnout Expands to CU Department of Medicine” CU Anschutz Department of Medicine Interview with Taylor Shaw on February 3rd, 2025.

Prominent Citations:

Tariq M, Kopecky KE. The canaries in the coal mine: Medical and surgical traineesAm J Surg. 2025;0(116173):116173.